CHS支付解决方案 provides us with dedicated and timely responses on whatever situations arise.
CHS支付解决方案 knows that providing customers with quality services keeps them coming back. We offer an add-on program for check processing to add value inside store by eliminating your need to deposit checks at the bank.
  • 告诉我更多澳门皇冠赌场平台POS检查的信息

    POS检查 converts a personal check to an electronic transaction at the time of purchase. The check will be immediately returned to the customer at the end of the transaction; there is no paper to handle, 处理或转发给银行. Every check is authorized online with a third-party to lower your check fraud loss.

    This service is completely FREE to setup and the check reader is FREE* to lease. 没有隐藏的费用或额外的百分比. 对于每笔支票交易,您将收取少量固定费用.

    POS检查使日常操作更快捷、更容易. It gives your customers the payment options they want and makes your back-office operations more streamlined. No more hassle with processing paper checks or paying various bank processing fees, 那些日子已经过去了!


  • 好处是什么??
    • 降低纸质支票处理成本.
    • 实时检查授权情况.
    • 再也不用为银行拒付支票而烦恼了.
    • 授权降低支票欺诈损失.
    • 检查保证高达100美元,给你额外的安心.
    • 额外的安全措施是,纸质支票会立即退还给客户.
    • Funds are deposited quickly with all other daily transactions and you will receive one consolidated statement.
  • 步骤是什么??


    1. 顾客出示纸质支票付款.
    2. 收银员通过支票阅读器扫描它, 输入购买金额和任何其他必需的信息.
    3. 一旦检查得到验证和批准, a sales receipt is printed for the customer to sign and the check is returned back to them.

